Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The time has come for me to begin a new chapter in my life. I will retire on September 30, 2017 after serving as CEO of the Brevard Family Partnership Family of Agencies for the past 13 years. Starting October 1, 2017, Jim Carlson will assume the role of Interim CEO to manage the Family of Agencies and Valerie Holmes will become the Executive Director of BFP to manage the Child Welfare Lead Agency.
In May 2004, I arrived in Brevard County to lead the development of Brevard’s child welfare system. Today, I am proud to say that we operate a full continuum of nationally recognized, exemplary child welfare services with our Family of Agencies including the nationally recognized Evidence Based Practice program Brevard C.A.R.E.S., the National Center for Innovation and Excellence, and our newest enterprise Family Allies, Inc.
It has been a privilege to work alongside you to design a System of Care to meet the unique needs of Brevard’s vulnerable children and their families. We have experienced great success and we have weathered many storms. Throughout it all, I am proud to say that our chief priority always remained on our vision and mission of “Protecting Children, Strengthening Families and Changing Lives.” Because of the work we have done, 35,000 children’s lives have been changed.
Thank you for your partnership and giving your time, treasure, and talent to ensure the delivery of the highest quality services to those entrusted to our care. It has been an honor to work for such an exemplary organization alongside a stellar team of consummate child welfare professionals, service providers, Board members, donors, and volunteers.
My heart will always be with BFP and as I step down into retirement, I look forward to continuing to work alongside you in other roles as we strive together to “Protect Children, Strengthen Families and Change Lives.”
With deep gratitude and appreciation,
Patricia Nellius
CEO, Brevard Family Partnership